Saturday, January 29, 2011

Santa Clara County Parks: Survey feedback requested

Santa Clara County Parks is preparing a Trails Master Plan for Calero County Park. They want to hear from trail users of both Calero and other parks.

If you use County Parks trails, please complete the on-line survey. Your input is extremely valuable so that the county can:
  • Learn how you use trails in County Parks
  • Best meet the needs of Park visitors
  • Make informed decisions about trail management
  • Plan for future trails
  • Inform you of trail planning efforts underway
This survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete. All Individual responses will remain confidential.

Find the survey at: Santa Clara County Parks Trail User Survey 2011

If you have already completed the Calero County Park Trail User Survey, conducted in November-December 2010, you do not need to retake this survey.

Supervisor Ken Yeager's January 28 newsletter

Topics for this newsletter include:
  • County Gets National Recognition for Tobacco Policies
  • County to Get Better Representation on Regional Board
  • Congestion Relief Comes to U.S. 101
  • Earn it! Keep it! Save it!
  • Calendar of Events

Community Meeting: Lou's Village of Willow Glen

San Jose Planning Department Community Meeting Invitation
re: File #PDA09-018-01 (Lou's Village of Willow Glen liquor application)

The approval of the application by the owners of this restaurant is tied to the completion of this lease agreement. Your participation in the planning process will help the planning department analyze the request and consider the community`s input.

A complaint has been filed that could influence the San Jose Planning Department and cause planners not to recommend approval of this permit and prevent the liquor license application from being approved.

This complaint dated January 11, 2011 has twenty signatures.

In this complaint:
"We feel late night hours that include the sale and consumption of alcohol will only create an environment prone to excessive late night noise and criminal activity including theft, vandalism and violence".
If you have interest in this project, or its future, you are invited to come listen, question and comment.

Monday Evening, January 31, 2011
Willow Glen Community & Senior Center
2175 Lincoln Avenue (near Curtner)
6:30 to 7:30p.m.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Annual Willow Glen Crab and Pasta Feast: Saturday

The annual Crab and Pasta Feast, held in January each year, raises money for the WG Performing Arts Boosters. Crab and pasta dinner, beer, wine, soda and water are sold at the event. Both the WG High School Jazz Band and the High School Choir perform. Dancing; raffle tickets sold for “Chair-ities” and other auction items available for bidding. This year’s 5th Annual Crab Feast will be held on January 29, 2011 at the Scottish Rite Center 2455 Masonic Drive, San Jose.

Thanks to our prize donors!

Prizes have been awarded for the NWGNA Holiday Decorating Contest. Many, many thanks to our local donors -- stop by and say "Thanks for supporting the neighborhood!" These local restaurants have been consistent supporters of the contest, so we want to show them our support.

Taqueria Tlaquepaque, 721 Willow 
Peet's Coffee & Tea, 1140 Lincoln 
Mojo Burger, 1411 Bird

Friday, January 21, 2011

Reminder: WG Library book sale

Friends of the Willow Glen Library Book Sale

Saturday, January 22

Location: Willow Glen Library
1157 Minnesota Ave
San Jose

Time: 10:00am - 6:00pm

Agenda for Tuesday's general meeting

The first 2011 meeting of the North Willow Glen Neighborhood Association will be Tuesday, January 25, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Word of Faith Church, 873 Delmas, corner of Fuller and Delmas Avenues.

The agenda will be:

  • Spring garage sale day
  • Willow Glen 5K Run/Walk (May 7)
  • Street tree plantings
  • Fruit & veggie share discussion
  • Neighborhood news

City Council Hearing on the Diridon Station Area Plan

From the San Jose City Planners:

City Council Hearing on the Diridon Station Area Plan
When: This coming Tuesday, January 25th at 7pm
Where: City Council Chambers, City Hall

This coming Tuesday evening, January 25th, a City Council Hearing will be held on the Diridon Station Area Plan. At this Hearing the Council will discuss the overall direction of the Draft Plan and will be asked to approve this direction, thereby allowing staff to complete the preferred Plan and begin the analysis of the Plan’s potential environmental impacts.

In addition, and just prior to the Diridon Plan Hearing, the City Council will consider the Good Neighbor Committee’s recommendations for future public and private development in the Diridon Station Area

You are invited to attend and provide input to the Council on the Diridon Plan and the Good Neighbor Committee’s recommendations; each member of the public has the opportunity to address the Council for two minutes by filling out a yellow speaker card.

The Council Hearing begins at 7 pm, and, while we do not anticipate that Diridon or the Good Neighbor Committee’s recommendations will be discussed right at 7 pm, discussion will likely occur soon after 7 pm.

For more information, click on the links below:

City Council Agenda

City Council Memo on the Diridon Station Area Plan

City Council Memo on the Good Neighbor Committee’s Recommendations

The City Council will also be discussing the Envision San Jose 2040 General Plan. This item will be discussed before the Good Neighbor Committee and Diridon Hearing. For more info on the Envision San Jose 2040 Council Item, click on link below:

Michael Brilliot
Senior Planner
(408) 535-7831

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Micah is home!

Persistence pays off when you lose a pet! A North Willow Glen family lost Micah earlier this month but have finally been reunited. A family found him and posted his photo with the Humane Society and the connection was made to his home after several weeks of being lost. Happy family, happy Micah.

San Jose Family Camp to re-open in June

A favorite vacation destination of local families, the San Jose Family Camp, is re-opening in June after closing last year. Read more in the Mercury News.

You can also read more about this great vacation resource at their web site.

Early registration is Saturday March 5, 2011 from 7:00am-1:00pm.

Career Day at Willow Glen High School

From Willow Glen High School:

On Thursday morning, March 3, 2011, Willow Glen High School is holding a Career Day at which various professionals will talk to students about their careers.

Who are the career panelists? Parents, friends of parents, and anyone interested in doing a very brief community volunteer activity. We have filled some panels, but still need help with several of the career specialties.

What would you have to do? Each panel consists of 3-5 professionals in related careers talking to a classroom of 30 students. Each panelist will informally discuss their career path, education, job functions for 5-10 minutes. The panel then answers student questions.

What is the time commitment? Please let us know whether you can make 1, 2 or all 3 sessions (see below). There is a continental breakfast before the sessions start and a lunch afterwards for all panelists which is always a very popular time to mix with other community members.

7:30 – 8:15 Welcome & Continental Breakfast
8:30 – 9:25 Session 1
9:30 – 10: 25 Session 2
10:30 – 11:25 Session 3
11:30 – 12:30 Appreciation Lunch

If you would like to participate, but don't know your future schedule, please let us know. If you know of anyone else who is interested, please let us know their email address and job function.

If you are interested please contact: and/or Thank you very much for your time and consideration!

P.S. For those of you who are interested in high tech cars, there will be a Tesla roadster on display as part of the Green Industry panel.

Career Day Panelist Needs
Architecture/Landscape Design/Interior Design
Interior Designer
Home Staging Consultant

Marketing Professional

Computer Science/Game Design
Game Designer
Computer Programmer
Website Designer/Webmaster


Dental Hygenist

Early childhood development

Business operations (CFO)

Green Industry
Green design/construction
Eco Consultant/Sustainability
Alternative/Renewable Energy
Organic food

Law Enforcement

Law professor

Veterinary technician

Piano teacher
Any related profession

Nature/Animal Related
Master gardener
Any related profession

Political intern

Genetics field

Skilled Trades
Tile Setter
Any skilled trade

Sports/Exercise Science
Sports complex manager
Massage therapist/team trainer
Team Coach

Help needed: flier delivery this weekend

We will have fliers later today for next week's NWGNA general meeting and are looking for flier delivery help around the neighborhood for this weekend. The weather should be beautiful for a neighborhood stroll!

Please call Bill at 408-893-6684 or email to if you can help.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

High Speed Rail Presentation In Willow Glen Tonight

A Look into the Future: What's Happening, When, and Why

Willow Glen High School - Micky Long Center - 7 to 9 PM
2011 Cottle Lane between Curtner Ave. and Pine Avenues

Guest Speakers:
  • Rod Diridon - Sr. Former Chair, and Senior member California High Speed Rail Board of Directors; Executive Director, Mineta Transportation Institute San Jose State University
  • Ben Tripousis - San Jose Department of Transportation, Senior Transportation Specialist
  • Henry Servin - P.E. San Jose Department of Transportation, Senior Transportation Engineer.
Rod Diridon Sr is a principal mover behind trains and the HSR, and he'll be here in WG to discuss the statewide rail plans and their impact on Willow Glen and San Jose.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Photos from around North Willow Glen

What beautiful, interesting, quirky, or surprising things do you see around the North Willow Glen neighborhood? Elisabeth Handler has shared with all of us a great collection of photos from her early-morning walks -- feel free to add your own photos into that same album or onto Facebook. It's a great way to share different views of our area with each other and appreciate the wonderful qualities of North Willow Glen.

The Olmstead Legacy - America's Urban Parks

Councilmember Pierluigi Oliverio would like to invite you, your family, and friends to view an informative film presentation followed by a time of Q&A with Councilmember Pierluigi Oliverio and City staff.

151 years after Frederick Law Olmstead designed New York City's Central Park, it remains an undisputed haven of tranquility amidst one of the most unnatural places on earth.

The Olmsted Legacy, a one-hour documentary, examines the formation of America's first great city parks through the enigmatic eyes of Frederick Law Olmstead (1822-1903), visionary urban planner and landscape architect. The film features Academy Award winning actor Kevin Kline.

Seating is limited! Please RSVP via email or telephone: Tina West at 408 535-4906. Please provide first and last name of each attendee, contact telephone and email information. A confirmation email with directions and information will be sent upon receipt of RSVP.

Watch the trailer and see other information about "The Olmstead Legacy."

Monday, March 7, 2011
6:30-8:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers
200 E. Santa Clara Street
San Jose, CA 95113

Councilmember Oliverio's 2011 SJ Budget Survey

From Councilmember Pierluigi Oliverio, District 6:

The City of San Jose has contracted with a public opinion organization to conduct a telephone poll of 1,000 San Jose residents regarding the on-going budget deficit between Jan. 13th through Jan. 17th. Those polled will be asked survey questions about the budget and city services. The results of the phone survey will be shared in February.

Since only 1,000 people will get a call (out of 1 million residents), I have put together a web survey with most of the questions that are included in the telephone poll to provide an opportunity to solicit your feedback. The survey link is below and I will share the results after the web survey closes January 30th.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Supervisor Ken Yeager's January 13 newsletter

This month's newsletter topics include:
  • Yeager Appointed Vice Chair of VTA Board
  • Caltrain Offers Weekend Bullet Trains
  • County Adopts Water-Efficient Landscaping Regulations
  • County Offers Nutritious Meals for Seniors
  • Volunteer Opportunity: Redistricting Commission
  • Award Recognizes Small Businesses for Green Practices
  • Calendar of Events

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Willow Glen 5K - May 7

The date for the 2011 Willow Glen 5K was just announced. Circle your calendars for Saturday May 7 and check out more info on their web page or Facebook page.

Fresh & Easy press release

Read more about the store's plans including hiring wages and benefits in today's press release.

Fresh & Easy to open March 2

Check out the latest on the new grocery store in the neighborhood -- Fresh & Easy is opening At Bird and Minnesota on March 2.

Fresh & Easy beginning to schedule No. Cal. openings

There's no word yet on when the Bird & Minnesota location will open, but Fresh & Easy has scheduled the opening for their Pacifica, CA store for March 9. Perhaps in addition to tulips and daffodils popping up, we will have a grocery store in the neighborhood again this spring.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

More trees = Less cement

In preparation for planting more street trees in the neighborhood, we are looking for someone with the equipment and skills for cutting cement safely. Park strips that are paved over will need their cement removed before a tree can be planted.

If you've got the equipment and skills that you can volunteer in the spring, let us know!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Street trees through Our City Forest

San Jose's Our City Forest program is still alive and kicking. This nonprofit may be able to help you obtain a tree for your park strip, the area between the sidewalk and the street. Permits are required to plant trees, but the permits are free. If you live next to someone who doesn't have a tree, you might want to open the conversation about the benefits of having one.

If enough of us are interested, we can try to work with Our City Forest for a neighborhood planting effort in the spring. Kim Karcher has volunteered to coordinate that effort, so email her at if you are interested in a tree or helping with this effort.

Read more about Our City Forest on their web site.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Big turnout for San Jose rose garden volunteers

Check out the article in today's Mercury News about the dedicated volunteers who gathered at the San Jose Municipal Rose Garden yesterday to assist with maintenance of our city's beautiful roses.

Read the full story on the Mercury News site.
To volunteer with Friends of the San Jose Rose Garden, visit the group's web site.

Have you seen Micah?

A North Willow Glen cat, Micah, has not been home for the last few days. He's a skinny grey short-hair with white on the tip of his nose and a bit on his chest. He normally wears a red collar but it has been found, so he's not wearing it.

He's a friendly but slightly cautious cat. He may be stuck in someone's garage or basement. He will meow if he's caught somewhere.

Please let us know if you have seen Micah so his family can be reunited with him.

Many thanks to this morning's volunteers

Lila and Pat work together to remove bows
Many thanks to the volunteers who joined in this morning to take down and store the neighborhood holiday decorations. The crew made quick work of removing the garlands and wreaths that had made the area so festive.

Wreaths and bows, oh my!
The decorations are checked before being put into storage until next December and some items will be upgraded. Several elves work behind the scenes to ensure that the decorations are ready for the next holiday season, so much appreciation to the entire team.

Big thanks to Dan, Pat, Lila, Karen, Lorraine, and Bill!

Treats for volunteers

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Fresh & Easy making progress

The soon-to-be Fresh & Easy store at Minnesota and Bird is making progress towards opening. A new sign has been installed outside and refrigerated display cases have been installed inside.

When the company opens a new store, they donate $1,000 to a local non-profit group based on suggestions from the neighborhood. We are not sure if organizations need to have official non-profit status, but we'll let you know as the voting is opened for our area.

San Jose's redevelopment agency selling land to buy property needed for proposed MLB ballpark

From the Mercury News: "San Jose moved a step closer toward a proposed downtown ballpark Friday, when officials announced they will sell five city-owned parcels, using the proceeds to pay for land needed to complete the stadium plan."

See the full article at

Just a reminder...

Please come join your neighbors this Sunday Jan. 9 at 9:30 a.m. to help with cleaning up and organizing of the holiday decorations. We will meet in the Starbrite/Smokehouse parking lot with plenty of hot coffee and snacks.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

What goes up, must come down

It's time to take down the holiday decorations that have made North Willow Glen so festive this winter. Volunteers are gathering next Sunday, Jan. 9 at 9:30 a.m. in the Starbrite/Smokehouse parking lot on Delmas near Fuller to remove decorations and place into storage. If you can help out, please join us!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

The year in review

2010 has been a positive one in so many ways for North Willow Glen. Many dedicated volunteers have worked on their favorite events and issues to help make our neighborhood a better place. Here are just a few highlights from the last year:

Fruit/Veggie Share
July 4 Barbecue in Fuller Park
Willow Street construction

Walgreen's alcohol permit process begins

Holiday decorating contest and party
Neighborhood holiday decorating
Holiday yard trees

Throughout the year
High-Speed Rail meetings and planning
Save Our Trails / Three Creeks Trail
Virginia Street Flood Control Project
Neighborhood beautification maintenance
Increased focus on preventing vandalism

Our first meeting of the year will be January 25 -- come join us to lend a hand to your favorite project in 2011.