Wednesday, July 13, 2022

NWGNA Friends & Neighbors Meeting - Tonight 6:30 pm

Join us tonight for our NWGNA Friends & Neighbors meeting, happening soon:

6:30 Welcome - Bill Rankin, President 
6:35 Department of Transportation 
6:55 Councilmember Dev Davis 
7:15 Introducing Steve Tuohy, Treasurer 
7:20 Friends and Neighbors Q&A 
8:00 Adjourn

Zoom link
Meeting ID: 367 319 8603
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,3673198603# US (San Jose)

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Survey to rename Columbus Park

The City is planning to rename Columbus Park (now part of D6) and it is circulating a survey to help select a new name.

Link to survey: All are welcome to contribute.