Sunday, December 20, 2015

Last Day to Vote for Holiday Decorations

Please be sure to return your ballots to 562 Fisk Ave so they can be counted. We know there are lots of great displays out there!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

One Day Left to Vote!

Our Holiday Decoration Contest ends tomorrow, so don't forget to get out there tonight, check out the neighborhood lights, and fill out your ballots. Return them to 562 Fisk by tomorrow at the latest so they get counted.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Holiday Party Starts Now!

Put on your jackets and bring your family on over to 562 Fisk and join us for some holiday cheer. 

It's also a great chance to turn in those decoration ballots or pick up some more. One week left!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Holiday Party Tomorrow Night

We welcome you and your family to join us for an open house Holiday Party at 562 Fisk Ave. There will be plenty of food, fun, and friendly people gathering to meet one another or simply catch up on what's been going on since last year's party. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Holiday Decoration Contest Underway!

Homes all around North Willow Glen are lighting up in anticipation of the holidays...and the NWGNA Holiday Decoration Contest!

It's a great time of year to bundle up, check out the neighborhood lights, and fill out those ballots! You can collect additional ballots from the porch of 562 Fisk Ave or you can download and print them yourself by following this handy link. Just remember to turn in your forms to 562 Fisk by December 20th!

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Holiday Party December 13th

Celebrate the holidays with your neighbors! You and your family are invited to an open house with holiday refreshments and cheer at Lila and Joel's house at 562 Fisk Ave. on Sunday, December 13th from 5:30-8:00pm. Side dishes and deserts are welcome, but not necessary.

Saturday, December 05, 2015

Holiday trees on Sunday

Yard trees arrive Sunday. If you ordered one, check your email for more information. Thanks to Pam who organizes the purchase every year!

Friday, December 04, 2015

Holiday Decoration Contest Starts Dec. 6th

As you read this, fliers are going out promoting our annual Holiday Decoration Contest. Prizes donated by local businesses will be awarded to those houses receiving the most votes. This year there is a top three and a special category: Most Elegant. Voting begins this Sunday, December 6th so if you're in the spirit, let it show, let it show, let it show! We will keep you posted about the prize donations as they roll in.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thanks to this morning's holiday elves!

Thanks to the amazing crew that helped install holiday decorations around North Willow Glen this morning. We will see you at the upcoming holiday party on December 13.

Dev and Chris attach the bows to the wreaths before they are displayed.

Ready for installation

Karen adjusts the bow on the big wreaths that greet neighbors at Delmas and Willow.

Dan sorts through the bows.

Cindy, Dan, and Dev get organized.

Hummingbird Park -before-

Hummingbird Park -after-

Charlotte helps out

Chris and Bill work together on the historic lampposts

Dan and Stewart put the finishing touches at Delmas and Willow.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Holiday neighborhood decorating: 9 am Saturday

We will be decorating the neighborhood again this Saturday and we would love to have your help. It doesn't take very long and it's a fun way to kick off the holiday season by brightening the neighborhood for everyone. Join us at 9:00 am on Nov. 28 at the corner of Delmas and Fuller!

Monday, November 02, 2015

Community meeting about Tamien parking changes

From neighbor Jean Dresden:
For those of you who use Caltrain at Tamien, plan to attend a meeting Monday night on the Willow Glen side..a short walk from the station.

The housing proposal is to completely eliminate Caltrain parking at Tamien and to replace it with a VTA parking structure on the west (Willow Glen) side but there is currently no funding for the parking structure.

Date: November 2, 2015
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Elks Lodge 522, Willow Room
444 West Alma Avenue
San Jose, CA 95110


Holiday tree orders are due TODAY

Yes, today! Is your order in? If not, download the form and get it over to Pam Shukait at 1023 Bird today (or send via PayPal Call 408-297-4388 with any questions.

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Demonstration & Planting with Native & Drought Tolerant Plants Presented by BAWSCA

Have you been thinking you would like to replace your lawn but find yourself with more questions about plants than answers? Here is a chance to learn. Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) is hosting a free class to learn more about replacing lawns with drought tolerant plants. Join them on Saturday, November 7, 2015 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Guadalupe River Park and Garden. Make sure you get your free ticket by following this link to Eventbrite. Here's what BAWSCA has to say about their event: 
Come and join Dee Wong to learn and gain practical experience on the secrets of how to successfully select and install native and low water use plants in our demonstration garden in San Jose. Horticulturist and speaker Dee Wong draws from her work field experiences from failing plants, and why they fail due to poor plant selection, poor planting and horticultural practices.

TOMORROW: Holiday tree orders due

Did you get your order in? If not, download the form and get it over to Pam Shukait at 1023 Bird by tomorrow (or send via PayPal to

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Holiday tree orders due in two days

Did you get your order in? If not, download the form and get it over to Pam Shukait at 1023 Bird by Monday, November 3 (or send via PayPal to Call 408-297-4388 with any questions.

Friday, October 23, 2015

North Willow Glen Holiday Tree Lane

For many years, in early December, the streets of Willow Glen begin to light up with the sparkle of miniature evergreens. We would like to invite you to join in this tradition. We have set up a way for you to order a tree for your yard.

If you are interested in having a tree in your yard, and do not already have one for this purpose, please read below for more details.
  • Orders need to be received by Monday, November 2, 2015. 
  • Rebar is available if requested. This is used for anchoring the tree in your yard.
  • We are expecting delivery of the trees to the neighborhood Saturday, Dec. 5 or Sunday, Dec. 6.
  • You will have to set up the tree on your own.
  • You are responsible for putting on your own lights. A very old tradition is to use the large colored lights and to put one white light at the top of the tree.
  • We will email and post on the e-list when trees will be available for pickup. 
* * * This year, again, we are also offering 22” Noble fir and Cedar wreaths decorated with pinecones. The wreaths will be $16.50 each. * * *
Fliers are being delivered to your door, but you can also download the order form and deliver it with a check made payable to: Pam Shukait or send via PayPal to (Trees will be from Enchanted Forest Christmas Trees.)

Call Pam with any questions: 408-297-4388.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Staying alive, staying alive...

At its Friends and Neighbors Meeting tonight, North Willow Glen Neighborhood Association was very happy to host Anne Wilde for a demonstration of CPR techniques including the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). We all learned a lot and thank Anne very much!

One hundred compressions are needed every minute, so if you sing the Bee Gees song, "Staying Alive," you will produce the right frequency of chest compressions.

To schedule a class to become certified by Anne, her web site is

Anne explains the easy-to-use AEDs

Dan tries out chest compressions with a practice dummy
Bill practices with the AED as it narrates what to do step by step

Alan practices the deep compressions that are necessary to get blood moving and breathing restarted

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Recipe for a block party

Neighbors on Spencer Avenue (between Willow and Atlanta) host an annual block party to draw neighbors closer together, and gathered last weekend for our latest event. It is easy to pull together, so here's a summary if you would like to host your own regular event.

Find someone who can host in their front yard or long driveway. This helps make the event less intimidating for shyer neighbors and ensures that folks driving by are reminded of the event while it is happening. Other benefits of the driveway/yard location are the lighter demands on the host. Nobody has to clean their house or backyard to host the occasion. Plus, neighbors seem to feel more free to stop by just for a few minutes if they have a jam-packed day.

Create a simple flier. Our text said:
Gather with your neighbors
Join us DATE / TIME
It will be an opportunity to meet other Spencer Avenue neighbors and enjoy the fall season!

We will provide the main dish. Feel free to bring a potluck contribution or just come and hang out.
All residents welcome!
We included “all residents welcome” to ensure that renters felt included.

Make a food plan. For Spencer Ave, the two host houses supplied meat and vegetarian burgers and hot dogs, but you can set up a barbecue to have people bring their own grillables to distribute the costs.

Spread the word. After printing the fliers, we dropped them off at each home. As the date grew near, we would mention it to neighbors we encountered and ask them to spread the word. If you have email addresses for neighbors, send them a quick note.

Do some light prep. Have nametags and markers handy. We wrote first names and house number to give some context to where people live.

An optional step: create a sign-in sheet to collect e-mail addresses. After the party, send a follow-up note (our text is below as a start). This will help neighbors remain connected to each other by knowing about and using the communication channels that have been developed.

Gather and have fun!

Draft text for follow-up email

Thanks so much for joining us at yesterday’s block party! We gather each year to meet each other and have fun, so we appreciate seeing you there.

I have listed below a few ways to keep in touch with what’s happening in our neighborhood. Feel free to choose the method that best suits you.

The North Willow Glen Neighborhood Association meets quarterly, and the next meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 20 at the Word of Faith Church at Delmas and Fuller, with a CPR demonstration. The church has donated their sanctuary to NWGNA as meeting space for many years, and we appreciate their generosity very much.

And, since a few folks have asked over the years, NWGNA is not an HOA-style association. There are no dues and no rules that are established, just an awesome group of people dedicated to making and keeping our neighborhood great. NWGNA hosts several fun events throughout the year, including a holiday party with decorating contest, Party in the Park every August in Hummingbird Park, occasional neighborhood-wide garage sales, and intermittent clean-up days.

Ways to stay in touch:
North Willow Glen Neighborhood Association list: an email list since 2001 to communicate within North Willow Glen, bounded by Bird, Fuller, Willow, and Highway 87.
Subscribe by sending an email to

NWGNA Blog: occasional information about the area, plus an events calendar.
Subscribe by entering your email address where it says “Follow by Email” on the right column of the blog. Blog entries are also automatically posted to the Facebook page.

NWGNA Facebook page: a private social site for local neighborhoods. After verifying your house location, you can communicate online with North Willow Glen neighbors.

Feel free to send any questions.

Your name

"Coffee with a Cop" event was a success!

Today, San Jose Police hosted "Coffee with a Cop" at Roy's Station, a coffee and tea shop with a long history in Japantown.

There was a big turnout, with many officers from SJPD and CHP speaking with lots of residents.

When asked what neighbors could do to support a safer environment in San Jose, here's what the officers said:

Know your neighbors. Introduce yourself. Stop to chat occasionally. Watch out for each other.
  • Commonly, when something like a property crime happens, police discover that neighbors do not know each other and don't know when something is amiss. If you know what belongs, you can learn what doesn't belong.
  • Actively participate in online communities to discuss safety issues with neighbors. For North Willow Glen, this includes our Facebook page, NWGNA blog, Yahoo! Groups email list, and info. We try to cross-post across these forums so that you can choose the one(s) that you like, but not always.
  • Call 311 for anything that is suspicious. Call, call, call. And, if you are calling from a cell phone, use 408-277-8900. By calling, you add your voice to others to help police allocate limited resources. If you don't call, they don't know about it and cannot help.

Let road rage go; don't engage other drivers.
  • A CHP officer talked about the amount of time he spends diffusing heated arguments between two drivers that could be avoided if they were to forgive and forget. Let those precious resources focus on bigger issues by declining to participate in yelling, gesturing, or driving aggressively when you are upset by other drivers.
Among the common misconceptions about law enforcement:
  • We are always taking a break.
    • Officers spoke about the pace of their work and how infrequently they actually take breaks. Those wisecracks about coffee and donuts seem to wear thin.
  • We don't care.
    • They do. A lot.
  • We like writing tickets. 
    • Several officers talked about not wanting to ruin someone's day or cost them money. Sometimes it can't be avoided, though.
  • Situations are black and white.
    • One officer spoke about how much they operate in gray areas and have to make judgement calls while handling calls.
This event will be held again. Go!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Attention, movie lovers!

Orchard Supply Hardware on San Carlos Street is hosting a series of free 1930s movie nights in October. For more information and register for free tickets, see their EventBrite info.

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

San Jose Unified to underwrite cost of SATs

From the Mercury News:
Taking a stab at the "opportunity gap" that blocks some students from college, the San Jose Unified School District will underwrite nearly the entire cost of SAT exams for juniors, and Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate exams for all its high school students.
The district, with 32,000 students the largest in Santa Clara County, could become the first in the state to finance the Scholastic Aptitude Test -- widely required for admission to by colleges -- and the AP and IB exams, which test mastery of college-level classes that are expected of those applying to four-year postsecondary institutions.
All students, regardless of family income level, would be eligible for the subsidy. Students would pay $5 per exam.

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Technology + sweet tooth = Halloween Treat Map!

Nextdoor is a private, free social network for your neighbors and your community. You can use Nextdoor for buying and selling via classifieds, sharing crime and safety news, and more.

This year, they are enabling a map of houses that are giving out treats for Halloween. You can add yourself and/or tell others that you will be sharing some treats (candy corn icon). But, wait, there's more! You can also designate your house as a hosting a haunted house (purple house icon). The map is just beginning to build, but check it out!

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Habit for Humanity breaks ground on Delmas

A new single family home will be built at 868 Delmas after a groundbreaking last week. Read all about it in the Mercury News.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What belongs in SJ recycling bins?

From the Mercury News:
"Nearly 40 percent of the stuff single-family homeowners dump into their recycling bins in much of the city is non-recyclable food waste and other junk, according to California Waste Solutions, the city's primary hauler. That's more than six times Oakland's 6-percent contamination rate, the company said."
So, what can't you put in the gray recycling container?
  • Padded envelopes, bubble wrap
  • Soiled paper or tissues
  • Disposable diapers
  • Packing peanuts, foam takeout containers and other polystyrene
  • Pillows, stuffed animals, carpet
  • Plastic bags (If they're clean, turn them in at a store recycling drop.) 
  • Shoes
  • Compact discs
  • Metallic gift wrap
  • Photographs

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Hot diggity dog!

BIG thanks to Willow Glen Meats for their donation of locally made hot dogs for Sunday's Party in the Park. Stop by their shop at 885 Delmas to see their selection of sausages, bacon, and other smoked meats plus sandwiches, yum.

Friday, August 07, 2015

Live music at the Party in the Park!

Come hear local musicians Duke Mantee and the Gold Money Band, right here in North Willow Glen. The band will be playing at the Party in the Park on Sunday. Bring a side dish to share, enjoy hot dogs off the barbecue, and get serenaded by the band while you enjoy time with neighbors.

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Ice Cream, You Scream, we all Scream for Party in the Park

We are so thankful again this year that Willow Glen Creamery is donating Treat ice cream to Party in the Park! Expect big favorite flavors Mango and Chocolate Fantasy. And, let Jeff from Willow Glen Creamery know that you appreciate him and his generosity.

Party in the Park
Hummingbird Park (Corner of Bird and Fisk)
Sunday, August 9, 4:30-7:30 pm

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Party in the Park is Sunday!

Join us for Party in the Park, Sunday, August 9, starting at 4:30. We will be gathering at Hummingbird Park at Fisk and Bird. Bring a side dish to share and we will have hot dogs hot off the barbecue!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Greater Gardner Neighborhood: Historic Context Survey

Have you ever wondered about the history of our neighborhood? What led to the construction of this eclectic group of homes? Could parts of our neighborhood be considered historic?

At the request of the City of San José, the firm Archives and Architecture created a document titled Greater Gardner Neighborhood: Historic Context Survey. This 103 page document chronicles our neighborhood's history from the founding of the first pueblo in Spanish California to the document's publication in 2011. In it you will learn about significant figures and families in our area's history such as Isaac Bird and Henry W. Coe. There is a great deal of information regarding our housing inventory including some the authors regard as contributors to the historic nature of our neighborhood, potential historic resources, and even lists the 27 properties which meet the criteria to be San Jose City Landmark Structures.

If you are curious about this, you can click here to read the entire document.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Thanks to the Rotary Club for the July 4 fireworks!

In the Rotary Club of San Jose's 101th year of public service, they are again sharing with the city a professional, free fireworks show on July 4 at Discovery Meadow in downtown San Jose, 180 Woz Way. The show begins around 9:30 p.m. Residents are encouraged to take public transit. The City of San José is among the event sponsors. Visit for more details.

Also, the July 4th Fun Festival & Fireworks Show will take place at Almaden Lake Park. The festivities begin at 2 p.m. with entertainment, food, and kids' activities. The fireworks display is scheduled to begin at 9:15 p.m. Read more...

But, then, at San Jose Municipal Stadium, a fireworks display follows the Independence Day game between the San Jose Giants and Visalia. The game begins at 6:30 p.m. Visit San Jose Giants website.

San Jose Family Camp - discounts!

Join the fun at San Jose Family Camp this summer with amazing discounts! You do not need to be a resident of San Jose to stay at Family Camp. From the camp web site:

Family Camp at Yosemite provides an all-inclusive camping experience where guests of all ages can fish, hike, swim, participate in organized programs, or just sit back, relax and take it easy. It's a great experience the whole family will enjoy, so join us this summer and reserve your tent today!

San José’s Family Camp is located in the heart of the Sierras near Yosemite National Park, just east of Groveland, California. Family Camp is situated on 47 acres of leased land from the U.S. Forest Service. The Stanislaus National Forest and the middle fork of the Tuolumne River serve as the scenic backdrop to this mountain playground.

During the summer season, the camp provides three meals a day to campers, along with supervised recreational activities. Groups are welcome to rent out the camp during the pre- and post-seasons.

For questions, please contact staff at (408) 794-6208 or

Monday, June 22, 2015

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Garage Sale 2015

Check out a some of the items available at the North Willow Glen Garage Sale on May 30 from 8am-2pm! This is just a partial list.

476 Fuller
everything is free

482 Fuller
two air conditioners, one window and one portable, women's clothes, household items, pictures, a round table, vacuum, kitchen items

508 Fuller
baby girl clothing, toddler boy clothing & shoes, women's clothing & shoes, TV's, a snowboard, handbags, a train table (child), home accessories, flower pots, a Britax car seat w/base, a breast pump, Boppy Pillow, a baby bouncer, wall art, etc.

514 Fuller
Ladies Clothes (Old Navy, Forever 21, Charlotte Russe) $1-$3, Women's jewelry (necklaces, earrings, bracelets) $5 or less, makeup and nail polish $1, kitchenware, household items, towels, bedding, blankets, twin sheet sets

664 Fuller
washer, dryer, refrigerator, free standing oven/stove, box spring & mattress

392 Hull
dinning set, sofa, and more

542 Hull
many items

345 Atlanta
maternity clothes, housewares, and some baby items

359 Atlanta
clothing, Kidarooz 2 in 1 bike trailer, kids bike

546 Atlanta
Bassett 57” bookcase/entertainment case, large Kidcraft dollhouse, Craftsman mantle clock, Norelco shaver, women’s clothes & shoes, men’s shoes (8 1/2), Takamine EF341SC electric acoustic guitar, guitar stands, comic books, iMac 20” computer with brand new 500GB hard drive, never used

428 Atlanta
white range hood with lights, teak Scandinavian Designs bed, with storage underneath and matching end tables, portable air conditioner on wheels, light fixtures, ceiling fans, paint and hardware items

901 Delmas
Household items and
Clothes & Shoes - women, men & kids

917 Delmas
kayak with paddles, woven string hammock, Nikon D70 camera body, semi-mummy sleeping bag, antique kitchenware, antique picture frames, windsurfer

975 Delmas
Tivo Series 2, toys, soccer cleats, clothes, books

569 Brooks
Pottery Barn Crib (Model - Kendall, color: Sun Valley Espresso)

1021 Bird
antique desk, iron lamp, vintage jewelry, china, clothing, notions & vintage kitchen items, upholstery fabrics, plant stand & much more

452 Shepherd Avenue
Peg Perego highchair, kids toys (lots!), boy's bike (for 10yr old), Chinese screen, Turkish chair, kids clothes, adult clothes, books, CDs, DVDs & DVD player, kitchen & household items, bedding (pillows, comforter, sheets)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Native Plant Sale This Saturday

California Buckwheat
With water conservation on everyone's mind these days, native plants have become a hot topic. There are numerous landscapes around the neighborhood featuring California native plants. Unfortunately the supply of them is not easily found at the big box stores so you may have to look a bit harder to find them for sale. Fortunately the California Native Plant Society has two sales a year and their spring sale is coming soon.

Speak with experts about unthirsty alternatives to a lawn, including native perennials, shrubs, wildflowers, and grasses. Browse books, posters, and note cards featuring native plants. This year landscape designer Carrie Jensen, habitat designer Linda Ruthruff, and landscape architect Sherri Osaka will be at the plant sale all day to help you custom design your native parking strip garden. For the first time, there will also be a wildflower show.

NWGNA is planning on picking up a California Buckwheat to test out and see if it is fit for the Bird Avenue median. All signs point to 'yes' so we are excited to get one going in Fuller Park before making the leap to the median.

Check out the CNPS website for more information including a plant list. You can also watch Carrie Jensen's presentation on parking strips, why they're important and what we can do with them, here.

California Native Plant Society
Annual Spring Plant Sale
Saturday, April 25, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Hidden Villa Ranch, 26870 Moody Road, Los Altos Hills

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Generosity isn't just for year-end...

We all know that generosity isn't just for year-end, but Sereno Group Real Estate - The Benford Team is putting this into practice by making a generous donation to help refresh North Willow Glen's holiday decorations that are placed each December around our neighborhood. These decorations have been showing wear and tear after being used for a few years, and this fabulous real estate team is helping NWGNA purchase new decorations to renew our supply. We thank them now and we will continue to send gratitude at year-end when the wreaths and garland are placed again in North Willow Glen.

To extend your gratitude to Sereno Group Real Estate - The Benford Team, comment here and check out their web site for your real estate needs. Many thanks to the Benford Team!

Friday, January 09, 2015

Holiday Decoration Contest Winners

546 Atlanta - Best Lights Award
There were a lot of great lights out this season. Thank you very much to all who participated. Thank you also to our generous sponsors, Blue Water Seafood and Crab and continuing for their fourth year in a row, Aqui Cal-Mex! Without further ado, here are this year's winners along with their prizes.

  • Most Creative: 1015 Willis - Aqui gift certificate for one entree and an NWGNA tee-shirt
  • Most Unique: 550 Snyder - Aqui gift certificate for one entree and an NWGNA tee-shirt
  • Best Lights: 546 Atlanta - Aqui gift certificates for two entrees
  • Best Overall: 477 Marshall - Blue Water gift certificate for $50

Winners please contact us at to arrange your prize delivery.

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Garbage and recyling billing changes

From the City of San Jose:

Starting July 1, 2015, charges for garbage and recycling for single-family households with cart services will be on the Santa Clara County Secured Property Tax Bill, instead of the current six bills sent by the City each year.
The City will continue to bill some condominiums and townhomes, and all mobile homes, on a monthly basis.

For more information: