Saturday, December 14, 2019

Tomorrow: NWGNA Holiday Party

Reminder for tomorrow night: NWGNA Holiday Party and Lila Joel's house, 562 Fisk Avenue. Come join in the fun, starting at 5:30 pm! There will be holiday refreshments and cheer to share. Snacks and desserts are welcome, but not necessary.

Friday, December 06, 2019

Holiday decorating, 3:00 pm tomorrow!

We are meeting at 3:00 pm Saturday in Fuller Park, corner of Delmas and Fuller, to start decorating our neighborhood for the holidays with garlands and wreaths. Come lend a hand if you can!

Thursday, December 05, 2019

Holiday decorating, 3:00 pm Saturday!

We will be decorating the neighborhood again this Saturday and we would love to have your help. It doesn't take very long and it's a fun way to kick off the holiday season by brightening the neighborhood for everyone. Join us at 3 pm on Dec. 7 in Fuller Park at the corner of Delmas and Fuller!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Save the date: NWGNA holiday party Dec. 15

Celebrate the holidays with your neighbors! You and your family are invited to an open house with holiday refreshments and cheer at Lila and Joel's house at 562 Fisk Ave. on Sunday, December 15 from 5:30-8:00pm. Snacks and desserts are welcome, but not necessary.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Yard tree orders are due *Wednesday*

Ordering - two methods
  • Place your tree order online at OR get a check made to Willow Glen Tree Account to Pam at 1023 Bird Avenue. 
  • Trees are $21 each if you order online or via check. 
  • Online orders are preferred by the tree farm since checks require them to spend a great deal of time processing.
Payment is due *early* - Wednesday, November 13 at 11:59 pm.

  • Your tree will be delivered to your front yard on Saturday, Dec 7. There will be no opportunity to pick up trees, delivery only.

Read more about this tradition at
Read information about mounting your tree:

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Order your holiday yard trees *now*

The Shukait family is being awesome yet again by organizing the ordering of holiday yard trees for our area. Many thanks to them!

  • Informational fliers are being distributed to the neighborhood in the next few days. 
  • Even without the flier, you can place your tree order online at 
  • An alternative to ordering online is to get a check made to Willow Glen Tree Account to Pam at 1023 Bird Avenue. Trees are $21 each if you order online or via check. Online orders are preferred by the tree farm since checks require them to spend a great deal of time processing.
  • Payment is due *early* - Wednesday, November 13 at 11:59 pm.
  • Your tree will be delivered to your front yard on Saturday, Dec 7. There will be no opportunity to pick up trees, delivery only. 
Read more about this tradition at
Read information about mounting your tree:

Monday, October 07, 2019

Potential Public Safety Power Outage by PG&E

While it appears unlikely to affect North Willow Glen, please note that PG&E has notified the public of a potential public safety power outage for fire prevention. This is due to “a potentially widespread, strong and dry wind event” starting Wednesday morning and lasting through Thursday afternoon.

Read more at these links:

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Important: Workshop for the Diridon Station Integrated Station Concept Plan

From Lori Severino, Diridon Program Manager for DISC (Diridon Integrated Station Concept), the station design project for Diridon:

Hello Community Members,
The fourth Community Meeting on the Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan is happening this Monday! 
What: Big Moves Workshop
When: Monday, September 23, 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Where: Studio Space at Poor House Bistro (91 S Autumn Street)
Event flyer: English and Spanish 

At the third Community Meeting in June, the Partner Agencies collaborating on the Concept Plan (Caltrain, and California High-Speed Rail Authority, City of San José, and VTA) discussed three possible layouts for the future station. The Partner Agencies have since advanced the spatial layouts into an optimization process, with the intent of developing a single spatial layout that best achieves the project objectives. 
The purpose of this upcoming workshop is to explore the “big moves” for the station in more detail and share progress to date on the optimization process. The “big moves” include the vertical position of the station platforms, the location of the future station entrances, and the track approaches going into the future station. The workshop will feature an overview presentation and three-dimensional models of four possible layouts (including the three shown in June and a new “dual concourse” layout). A focus of discussion will be the potential community benefits and impacts of the various track alignments under consideration. Check out the project website for additional information, including this status update memo from August
The meeting will offer light refreshments and live interpretation in Spanish. Children are welcome to attend. We hope you can join us for this important conversation!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dog found on Spencer Avenue this morning

This female dog was found on Spencer Avenue this morning and is not chipped. She is on her way to the SJ Animal Care Center on Monterey Road.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Urgent need for neighborhood input

From the office of Dev Davis:
High Speed Rail is requesting community feedback on the State’s Preferred Project Alternative. 
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
High Speed Rail is requesting community feedback on the State’s Preferred Project Alternative. We are supplying a sample letter for you which includes the recommendations from Mayor Liccardo, me, and three of my council colleagues submitted as a memo to council yesterday during hearings on High Speed Rail and other rail issues affecting San Jose and its residents. Please note: I do not support Alignment #4 for San Jose. Feel free to add your own input but we want our community to be heard by the High Speed Rail Authority Board! If you need more information, check out Feel free to share this information with your neighbors and friends! 
Please submit your comment letter/email to by Thursday, August 22, 2019. You can also provide feedback by phone at 800-455-8166. 
You can also share feedback in person at the Authority Board meeting on September 17, 2019 in San Jose. Location to be announced soon. 
Sample letter/email: 
Dear High Speed Rail Authority Board members: 
As a resident of San Jose, I want to share my concerns for High Speed Rail’s willingness to integrate input from our City’s process during the Diridon Integrated Station Concept (DISC) Plan. If a high speed train is being designed to help people live better lives and get places quicker, it also must consider how construction and operation of the rail will affect the lives of the people and communities it will serve. 
The safety and livability of our neighborhoods should be a main priority of your planning process. That’s why we insist that High Speed Rail staff remains engaged in the DISC process and find funding and make the needed changes during HSR planning to accommodate the Diridon Station Plan and grade separations. 
With the amount of projected rail service to increase dramatically, I fully support grade separations that help keep all modes of transportation safe (walking, biking, driving). Please find ways to minimize negative impacts to the Gregory/Gardner/ North Willow Glen neighborhoods through alignment over 280/87 or separate train traffic at Auzerais and West Virginia south of Diridon Station. 
I appreciate your consideration of my input on making High Speed Rail a better project through public engagement.

[resident name and neighborhood]

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Thanks to everyone who came out for Party In The Park!

We had another great Party In The Park today! Thanks to Willow Glen Creamery for donating Treat Ice Cream, and a big shout out to Duke Mantee and the Gold Money Band for the great music.


Party In The Park - today!

Come join us for our eighth annual Party in the Park -- today!

We'll have live entertainment from Duke Mantee and the Gold Money Band from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. We'll have a barbecue fired up with hot dogs of all kinds on the grill, including veggie. We'll have snacks and provide beverages, but most importantly Treat Ice Cream, courtesy of Willow Glen Creamery. And because we all love variety, please bring a snack or side dish to share.

See you at Hummingbird Park, on the corner of Bird and Fisk, starting at 4:30!

Saturday, June 15, 2019

**FREE** Item disposal TODAY North Willow Glen Dumpster Day

FREE Item disposal TODAY North Willow Glen Dumpster Day

This is free and easy way to dispose of unwanted items, furniture, and materials including hardscape (rock), metal, and automotive scrap on June 15, 2019 (9 a.m. to 12 p.m.) The event was organized through Councilmember Dev Davis' office at the request of fellow North Willow Glen neighbors (and the North Willow Glen Neighborhood Association).


Haul your items to the intersection of Delmas and Fuller Avenues (see map) and a neighborhood volunteer or city worker will direct you.

Consider using San Jose's services to dispose of unusually large items curbside

San Jose hazardous waste disposal

Parking restrictions will be in effect for the dumpster site

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Community meeting on the Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan

From the City of San Jose:
We have scheduled a third Community Meeting on the Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan for June 10th! The Concept Plan is a collaborative effort by four Partner Agencies (California High-Speed Rail Authority, Caltrain, City of San José, and VTA) to plan for the expansion and redesign of Diridon Station. The Partner Agencies anticipate completing Phase 1 of the Concept Plan process in Fall 2019. Phase 1 will result in a Draft Vision for the station.
Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan - Community Meeting #3
Monday, June 10, 6:00-8:30 PM (presentation to start at 6:30)
Gardner Community Center (520 W Virginia Street, San José) 
At this meeting, the Partner Agencies will provide an update on progress completed since the last Community Meeting in March, including preparation of three possible layouts for the future station. Following a background presentation, there will be workshop activities to gather feedback and answer questions. Community input will help inform the Draft Vision for the station. We will offer live interpretation in Spanish and Vietnamese, light refreshments, and supervised activities for children (age 3+). Families welcome! 
Event flyers are available at: Please visit for more info on the project, and help us spread the word!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Great American Litter Pick Up, April 13

The North Willow Glen Neighborhood Association is participating in the Great American Litter Pick Up on April 13!

Meet in the parking lot of the old smokehouse at 8:45 am for some refreshments before heading out to bag litter.

We will be taking a group photo at 11:45am to post under #trashtag, trending on social media.

We ask that you please RSVP so we can provide a sufficient number of gloves, grabbers, bags and safety vests!


About us:

The NWGNA mission is to create a neighborhood that is a pleasure to live in; appealing to residents and their guests; free of crime, litter and blight; safe for adults, children, and pets; beautiful in landscape and architecture.

Friday, March 08, 2019

Guadalupe River clean-up on Saturday

Join the Guadalupe River clean-up along West Virginia Street tomorrow, organized by South Bay Clean Creeks Coalition. You can find out more about SBCCC or just go directly to the event sign-up.

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Interested in CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)?

CERT—Community Emergency Response Team

This program is taught by San Jose first responders and trains community volunteers in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization and disaster medical operations. Certification requires 20 hours of training.

Get on the interest list and browse the San Jose Office of Emergency Management webpage. This is a highly sought-after program with limited space.