Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Public hearing on proposed garbage rate increase

The San Jose City Council is holding a public hearing about proposed rate increases for garbage and recycling fees. More information on this hearing is available online, but the deadline to submit a written protest is May 13, the same day as the hearing.

The hearing details:

Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at 1:30
San Jose City Hall Council Chambers
200 East Santa Clara Street
San Jose

Monday, March 24, 2014

Public hearing for development at Willow & Clark

The City of San Jose Planning Department is holding a public hearing to consider a development permit at the northeast corner of Willow and Clark. From their public notice:

Planned Development Permit File No. PD13-035 to allow demolition of existing buildings except for one (1) single-family detached residence and construction of three (3) new single-family detached residences and a Tentative Map Permit File No. PT13-052 to allow subdivision of one (1) parcel into four (4) lots on a 0.49 gross acre site in the A(PD) Planned Development Zoning District, located on the northeast corner of Willow and Clark Streets (650 Willow Street) (Diablo Ventures, Inc. Owner), Council District 6, CEQA: Exempt.
Reports, drawings, and documents are available for review from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and a draft permit and recommendations will be available for review seven calendar days prior to the public hearing at:
Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement
200 East Santa Clara Street, 3rd Floor Tower
San Jose CA 95113
(408) 535-3555

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Dog found, Bird Avenue near Fuller

Is this cutie yours? If so, call 408-209-5063 to connect you with the folks who are caring for him after finding him on Bird near Fuller Avenue.