Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Thank you to...

We would like to thank all of the businesses that have made generous donations to NWGNA’s annual Holiday Decorating Content. Here is the complete list:

The Table: $100 gift card
Loft Bar & Bistro: two, $50 gift card
Park Station Hashery: $25 gift card
Great America: Season Pass
Bill’s Café: $25 gift card
Cider Junction: $25 gift card
Aqui Willow Glen- Four free meal coupons

You still have time to enter the contest before it expires along with 2017! Many of you already have accounts on If you don’t, now is a good time to create one. Nextdoor allows you to stay in touch specifically with North Willow Glen. Or if you so choose, our nearby neighborhoods as well.

This year we are conducting our Holiday Decoration Contest voting through Nextdoor. Once you have an account, click on the "post a message" field. Under “Categories” select General and under "Choose neighbors" select North Willow Glen. The subject line should read [123 My Street Name] Holiday Contest. Add your one favorite picture. Each of the Thanks received by your post will be considered as a vote for your entry. The top “Thanksgetters” will receive prizes. Please post only once, and good luck! Contest ends December 31, 2017!

Friday, December 22, 2017

NWGNA Holiday Decoration Contest

Don’t forget--It's time to show your holiday spirit through your holiday decorations! Decorate your house, post a picture on NextDoor and get the most "thanks" from your neighbors! Great prizes available from local restaurants such as Aqui Willow Glen, The Table, Park Station Hashery, Cider Junction, The Loft, Bill's Cafe and also a Great America season pass!

We are again conducting our Holiday Decoration Contest voting through Nextdoor. Once you have an account, navigate to Click on the "post a message" field. Under "Choose neighbors" select North Willow Glen and under “Categories” select General. The Subject line should read [123 My Street Name] Holiday Contest. Add your one favorite picture. Each of the Thanks received by your post will be considered as a vote for your entry. The top “Thanksgetters” will receive prizes. Please post only once, and good luck! Contest ends December 31, 2017!

Also: If you know of a neighbor that should include their house in the contest but may not be able to post online, you may now help to get them nominated! 1) Ask your neighbor if they would like help being submitted for the contest. If yes... 2) Submit their nomination by private message to John Ingco. He will follow up with you for a picture request (via private message) and then he will post it on Nextdoor. Neighbor nominations will be open from 12/15-30.

Donations include:
The Table: $100 gift card
Loft Bar & Bistro: two, $50 gift card
Park Station Hashery: $25 gift card
Great America: Season Pass
Bill’s Café: $25 gift card
Cider Junction: $25 gift card
Aqui Willow Glen- Four free meal coupons

Friday, December 15, 2017

NWGNA Holiday Decoration Contest

Don’t forget--It's time to show your holiday spirit through your holiday decorations! Decorate your house, post a picture on NextDoor and get the most "thanks" from your neighbors! Great prizes available from local restaurants such as Aqui Willow Glen, The Table, Park Station Hashery, Cider Junction, The Loft, Bill's Cafe and also a Great America season pass!

We are again conducting our Holiday Decoration Contest voting through Nextdoor. Once you have an account, navigate to Click on the "post a message" field. Under "Choose neighbors" select North Willow Glen and under “Categories” select General. The Subject line should read [123 My Street Name] Holiday Contest. Add your one favorite picture. Each of the Thanks received by your post will be considered as a vote for your entry. The top “Thanksgetters” will receive prizes. Please post only once, and good luck! Contest ends December 31, 2017!

Also: If you know of a neighbor that should include their house in the contest but may not be able to post online, you may now help to get them nominated! 1) Ask your neighbor if they would like help being submitted for the contest. If yes... 2) Submit their nomination by private message to John Ingco. He will follow up with you for a picture request (via private message) and then he will post it on Nextdoor. Neighbor nominations will be open from 12/15-30.

Donations include:
The Table: $100 gift card
Loft Bar & Bistro: two, $50 gift card
Park Station Hashery: $25 gift card
Great America: Season Pass
Bill’s Café: $25 gift card
Cider Junction: $25 gift card
Aqui Willow Glen- Four free meal coupons

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Cider Junction supports NWGNA Holiday Decorating Contest!

Haven’t posted your holiday decorated house yet? Do it today! You could win some great prizes! You could win a gift certificate to one of our great local restaurants—Cider Junction donated a $25 gift certificate! Thank you to Cider Junction for their continued support of NWGNA! Get those decorations done today and post a picture on NextDoor! The most “thank you’s” on your post wins! Lots of prizes available!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Bill’s Café supports NWGNA Holiday Decorating Contest!

Haven’t posted your holiday decorated house yet? Do it today! You could win some great prizes! You could win a gift certificate to one of our great local restaurants—Bill’s Cafe donated a $25 gift certificate! Thank you to Bill’s Cafe for their continued support of NWGNA! Get those decorations done today and post a picture on NextDoor! The most “thank you’s” on your post wins! Lots of prizes available!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Great America supports NWGNA Holiday Decorating Contest!

Haven’t posted your holiday decorated house yet? Do it today! You could win some great prizes! You could win a gift certificate to one of our great local restaurants—Great America donated a season pass! Thank you to Great America for their continued support of NWGNA! Get those decorations done today and post a picture on NextDoor! The most “thank you’s” on your post wins! Lots of prizes available!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Park Station Hashery supports NWGNA Holiday Decorating Contest!

Haven’t posted your holiday decorated house yet? Do it today! You could win some great prizes! You could win a gift certificate to one of our great local restaurants—Park Station Hashery donated a $25 gift certificate! Thank you to Park Station Hashery for their continued support of NWGNA! Get those decorations done today and post a picture on NextDoor! The most “thank you’s” on your post wins! Lots of prizes available!

Saturday, December 09, 2017

The Loft Bar & Bistro supports NWGNA Holiday Decorating Contest!

Haven’t posted your holiday decorated house yet? Do it today! You could win some great prizes! You could win a gift certificate to one of our great local restaurants—The Loft Bar & Bistro donated, two, $50 gift certificates! Thank you to the LOFT Bar & Bistro for their continued support of NWGNA! Get those decorations done today and post a picture on NextDoor! The most “thank you’s” on your post wins! Lots of prizes available!

Friday, December 08, 2017

The Table supports NWGNA holiday decorating contest!

Haven’t posted your holiday decorated house yet? Do it today! You could win some great prizes! You could win a gift certificate to one of our great local restaurants—The Table has donated a $100 gift certificate! Thank you to The Table for their continued support of NWGNA! Get those decorations done today and post a picture on NextDoor! The most “thank you’s” on your post wins! Lots of prizes available!

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Aqui supports NWGNA holiday decorating contest!

Haven’t posted your holiday decorated house yet? Do it today! You could win some great prizes! You could win a gift certificate to one of our great local restaurants—Aqui donated four free meal coupons! Thank you to Aqui Willow Glen for their continued support of NWGNA! Get those decorations done today and post a picture on NextDoor! The most “thank you’s” on your post wins! Lots of prizes available!

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Historic Landmarks Commission meeting today

“In 2002, the City Council adopted a Strong Neighborhoods Initiative (SNI) Implementation Plan for the Greater Gardner Area, which is bound on the north by Highway 280, on the east by Highway 87, on the west by Bird, and on the south by Willow Street. ”-- Taken from Nomination of Greater Gardner Area

The Historic Landmarks Commission meeting this Wednesday will review the Greater Gardner historic survey report. The recommendation by the architectural historians who wrote the survey is that the area bounded by Willow, Bird, Fuller, and Delmas become the city's next Historic Preservation District. 

It should be noted that many homes on the periphery are considered "contributing structures" for the purposes defining the district boundaries. As a community, we support all our neighbors (particularly in Gardner) on their quest to obtain a similar designation.

This meeting is open to the public and affords the opportunity to speak at an open forum.

December 6, 2017
Wing Room 120
First Floor, City Hall Wing
200 East Santa Clara Street
San Jose, CA 95113

This item is first on the agenda after consent.

Meeting agenda link here: 12.6.2017 HLC

Sunday, December 03, 2017

NWGNA Holiday Decoration Contest

It's time to show your holiday spirit through your holiday decorations! Decorate your house, post a picture on NextDoor and get the most "thanks" from your neighbors! Great prizes available from local restaurants such as Aqui Willow Glen, The Table, Park Station Hashery, Cider Junction, The Loft, Bill's Cafe and also a Great America season pass!

We are again conducting our Holiday Decoration Contest voting through Nextdoor. Once you have an account, navigate to Click on the "post a message" field. Under "Choose neighbors" select North Willow Glen and under “Categories” select General. The Subject line should read [123 My Street Name] Holiday Contest. Add your one favorite picture. Each of the Thanks received by your post will be considered as a vote for your entry. The top “Thanksgetters” will receive prizes. Please post only once, and good luck! Contest ends December 31, 2017!

Also: If you know of a neighbor that should include their house in the contest but may not be able to post online, you may now help to get them nominated! 1) Ask your neighbor if they would like help being submitted for the contest. If yes... 2) Submit their nomination by private message to John Ingco. He will follow up with you for a picture request (via private message) and then he will post it on ND. Neighbor nominations will be open from 12/15-30.

Donations include:
The Table: $100 gift card
Loft Bar & Bistro: two, $50 gift card
Park Station Hashery: $25 gift card
Great America: Season Pass
Bill’s Café: $25 gift card
Cider Junction: $25 gift card
Aqui Willow Glen: Four free meal coupons

Saturday, December 02, 2017

Trees are expected on Sunday

For those who ordered holiday yard trees, they are expected to arrive on Sunday. More info to follow from Pam.