Sunday, June 13, 2021

Join via Zoom with Senator Dave Cortese July 14

At our July 14 Friends & Neighbors meeting, we will welcome State Senator Dave Cortese who will be discussing his top initiatives and take questions from residents. We look forward to welcoming Senator Cortese!

Time: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Zoom Meeting ID: 846 2853 9883

Passcode: 061921

Save the date: Party In The Park returns!

North Willow Glen's annual summer gathering is returning to Hummingbird Park on August 15, 4-7 pm. We will have music, ice cream and food -- a great opportunity to reconnect with neighbors!

Watch for more details here and we look forward to seeing you there.

Household Junk Dumpster Day July 10

The North Willow Glen Household Junk Dumpster Day is coming up on July 10 starting at 9 am until dumpsters are full.

Watch for your flier to be delivered to your home this week -- you must bring your flier in order to deposit your junk into the bins. Volunteers get first access to dump their household junk. Contact Bill Rankin ( by July 8 and sign up for a shift (8-10 am or 9-11 am).

Location: Fuller Street Park between Delmas and Bird Avenue. Line forms southbound on Delmas, with a right turn onto Fuller.

Separate dumpsters for:  e-waste, mattress/box springs, small household items (eg. stools, end tables, small appliances, dishware, small area rugs) and clothing.

Dumpster process
  • One trip only. Your flyer is your ticket, and you must present the flyer when you arrive.
  • One passenger vehicle or a standard bed pick-up truck per household.
  • Items stacked no higher than the side walls of the standard truck bed.
  • Wheelbarrow loads are permitted, but you must wait in line
  • You must unload your own vehicle, placing the items into designated dumpsters.
  • No commercial trailers.
  • No commercial trash or waste.
  • No extended height of truck side walls.