Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cute Two-Car Garage for Sale!

Now THIS is a garage sale fer sure. From Whole House Salvage: Cute, free-standing two-car garage available now -- slated for imminent demolition. Gabled roof, wooden siding. Size: approx. 18' x 20'; 12' 6" tall at peak. Pictures on our website soon: Price of materials: $5,000 Price to deliver (within 10-mile radius) and erect on new site with new composite roof: $5,000 (does not include foundation) Call immediately: (650) 856-0634

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Feb 15: Climate Change

It's on our minds these days, threatening as it does our water supply and our regional economy and environment. Our City Forest & Eco-Silicon Valley are hosting a presentation on climate change and how we can work to stop it. The event is FREE and will be held at Our City Forest's office, 595 Park Ave, in San José on Thursday, February 15th at 6:15 PM. More info at 998-7337 or www.ecosiliconvalley.org.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Tree Fines Meeting Sunday Jan 21

A community meeting this Sunday will discuss ways to prevent illegal tree cutting, in light of the very visible flouting of the law last Saturday at the corner of Camino Ricardo and Willow Street. It's likely that many Councilpeople will be present, including both candidates for District 6, and the Mayor may also attend. Mayor Reed has declared support for the Cool Cities initiative, and an urban forest plays a key role. The meeting's in the basement of the Willow Glen Baptist Church, on Minnesota at Hicks, from 3 to 4:30 pm. NWGNA residents: come out and show your support for tree preservation.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Safe Night on Feb 2

"Safe Night USA offers a fun, safe opportunity for young people, ages 11-15, to socialize with peers. Children's Discovery Museum hosts 3 Safe Night events each year. Safe Night is free, fun and attended by a very diverse mix of kids. Next Safe Night: Friday, February 2, 2007 from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm! Flyer pdf is here." - Brian Hames, Youth Educator, Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose, 298-5437 x243

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Holiday Lights contest winners!

BEST IN SHOW: 1st, 546 Atlanta; 2nd, 982 Delmas. MOST LIGHTS: 1st, 1072 Warren; 2nd, 549 Snyder. MOST ELEGANT: 1st, 562 Fuller; 2nd, 477 Marshall; 3rd, 580 Hull. MOST CREATIVE: 1st, 550 Snyder; 2nd, 440 Atlanta; 3rd, 391 Hull. Each winner received a portion of over $600 worth of gift certificates and prizes donated by local businesses. Congratulations to all! - Dan Erceg with Marci Hildt

(Photo: Dan Erceg delivering prizes in a 1923 Marmon. Click for larger view. Photo by Bruce Victorine)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Mayor's N'hood Priorities Jan 20

Via Pete Constant's office: an invitation to a meeting that the Mayor is holding later this month to identify 3-5 budget priorities, to then be discussed by the Council. Express your concerns in this public forum... help shape the budget priorities of our City.

Neighborhood Association Budget Priority Session, January 20, 2007, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., San Jose City Hall, Committee Rooms W 118-120. Lunch will be provided post-session at 1:00 p.m.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Candidate Forum Feb 27

The DeFrank Center will host a neighborhood forum with the District 6 City Council Candidates Pierluigi Oliverio and Steve Tedesco on February 27th at 7:30pm. They will share their visions for the district and take questions from the community. To RSVP, go here. Thanks! -The DeFrank Center at 938 Alameda.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sunny Days are Bocce Days

Thanks go out to the crew that took down the holiday wreaths and garlands last Sunday. Some of the crew ended up at the Fuller Park bocce court, to make the most of a beautiful warm day, and to practice up for our eventual rematch with the Northside neighborhood. Those tiny people in the photo? Debbie Palmer, Dan Erceg, Chuck Hudson, Matt Thompson.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Holiday Lights 2006

I'm not sure what happened with the contest, but I do have a few photos to share. The houses pictured are 546 Atlanta and 562 Fuller. I'm really sorry that some other pictures didn't come out - especially the ones of Surfin' Santa at 550 Snyder! Congrats to all who brightened up the holidays.