The city of San Jose and the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) have been working with people from around the city to establish the aesthetics of aerial structures for a high-speed rail system in our city. As part of the process, two Community Working Groups (CWG) have been appointed by the City Council to work together with the CHSRA.
In no way does this rule out the possibility of a tunnel structure. However in the event that an aerial alignment is chosen, these guidelines will provide the basis for the design. The guidelines will be incorporated into the Environmental Impact Report at the time it is written. The fourth and possibly final version of the document can be viewed or downloaded here: https://sites.google.com/site/nwillowglen/visual-design-guidelines-draft-4 [6.6Mb file]
The next steps will be for the CWG to finalize and approve the document on Sept 15 and present to City Council on the evening of Oct. 25. The City indicated that they will do public outreach with the document between those two dates in community meetings (and then also discuss aerial versus tunnel).
Many members of your North Willow Glen Neighborhood Association have been attending meetings and a number of our proposals have been incorporated into this draft. The City and CHSRA are nearing the end of this process so if there is anything you would like to see added, subtracted, or changed please let us know in any of the forums we have made available: facebook, website, e-group, or directly via e-mail (board@nwgna.org). We will do our best to bring your comments and concerns before those responsible for the document. But please remember, this guideline is for visual purposes only and does not address alignment concerns.
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