The California High Speed Rail Authority has released visual simulations to be included in the San Jose High Speed Rail Visual Design Guidelines for the aerial alignment. The guidelines dictate how the structures of an aerial alignment would look. This document does not indicate any preference on the city's part for an aerial alignment over a tunnel. But if the aerial alignment is chosen, the Visual Design Guidelines ensure that the structures will be in accordance with the city's ideals.
Photo simulations have been produced and incorporated into the document to better illustrate what all the text in the document supports. We have chosen those closest to our neighborhood for you to preview. Please have a look to see if you agree with the direction this is headed. Representatives of the project will be on hand to present these and more at our Friends & Neighbors Meeting this Tuesday, September 27th and they would like to hear from the community. So let's hear it. What do you think? Is this what High Speed Rail should look like?
Bird Ave looking east |
Bird Ave looking north |
Bird Ave looking northwest to Diridon Station |
Gardner Academy looking east - hoop bridge |
Gardner Academy looking east - basic bridge |
I think I like the hoop bridge more than the basic one. Makes the structure look more like a monument.