Monday, September 10, 2018

BART community working groups & workshop

From Erica Roecks at VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Program:
VTA is currently in the process of preparing a Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy and Access Planning Study (TOD/Access Study). The Study will identify strategies to develop housing and commercial space near three future BART stations (Alum Rock/28th Street, Downtown San Jose, and Santa Clara). This study is being conducted as part of VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Project.
As [Community Working Group] members for VTA’s BART Phase II Project, we need your help in notifying your various networks about the TOD/Access Study and encourage them to participate in the scheduled workshops. Dates and times for these workshops are listed in: Upcoming Meetings and the next set of workshops are scheduled for September 11th through September 13th from 5:30-6:30 PM, immediately following the CWG meetings.
The September workshops will focus on TOD Opportunities and Constraints and the November workshops focusing on TOD Strategies and Guidelines.
Please forward this email to anyone who might be interested in transit-oriented development in your station area and encourage them to attend the workshop. More information on the TOD/Access Study can be found on the Study’s webpage:
In addition, the Background Conditions Report has been posted to the TOD/Access Study webpage under "Quick Links" on the right side.

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